Sunday, August 21, 2011
Eventually it will be determined that each individual emits a unique radio frequency response much like currently used RFI tags used to control inventory and discourage theft. Once an individual is 'tagged' they will be locatable almost anywhere on the planet. I suppose with this technology, any threat to the state could be made a pariah to his cohorts knowing that he had become a surveillance and targeting device.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Passing thought
CNN's Don Lemon is a simple-minded, self-important ass. He's the new generation of new's folks. He's a symptom of cultural decline.
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Sun King has a secret
Obozo has a secret plan!?
I didn't know there was a Sesame Street in D.C. The president apparently thinks he's the adult and all the rest of the players supporting muppets.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Osama bin yawnin'
What I find most notable about the elimination of Osama bin Laden is how underwhelming the whole thing is. There is of course a swoon of the media, thankful for something to emote about, and there's plenty of 'told ya so' going on about the Gitmo and enhanced interrogation. But after all, the bearded Bozo was mostly shut out of the contest anyway. Others have taken over. It's fair that he's dead, but the world's no safer a place (maybe a bit better). Also, everyone is claiming that water-boarding and the like led to this 'success'. The original argument for enhanced interrogation was timelines of info needed to prevent catastrophic killings. It's been ten years now, so it's not like there was any hurry. Furthermore, if proponents of such interrogation techniques don't view them as torture, then why bother defending them now?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
SUPERMAN - world citizen
Rumor is, superman will be resigning his U.S. citizenship in order to take on more global crime-fighting concerns.
So - a fictional character with fictional citizenship is going to pursue fictional global missions for the world's sake.
Nonsense: the chief concern of this 'hero' is marketability. Why limit Superman's appeal with a made in USA stamp on him? There's a third-world out there with plenty of money to spend on fantasy. Why be financially hindered by anything so prosaic as cultural pride. Still, citizen or not, "Superman" is behaving just like an all-american business man and expanding his market.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Lawrence O'Donell
I'd never heard of this guy until today, when I watched his breathless editorial about a 2nd rate cartoon. This guy is hysterical and pathetic. He'd be better off as a tent revival preacher. But then I guess he is in his way, speaking with his urgent sanctimony to the his particular brand of believers.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
All this talk of extending the retirement age makes financial sense, but in the case of millions of 50-something americans that can't even find a job at Starbucks, it's colossal nonsense. I never actually thought I'd retire anyway, but I didn't expect the Banks and there's political bitches to make such a mess of everything.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Looking for 'individuals'
There's this commonly claimed nonsense that schools and corporations are looking for 'out of the box thinkers' - 'interesting and unconventional individuals' to enroll or employ, yet all require applicants to fill out 10-12 pages of mind-numbing, and mostly irrelevant information about themselves. And this after all is to appeal and conform to the dullards of the personnel department who are as likely to recognize the value of an unconventional man as they are to notice a neutrino bouncing around inside thier vacuous skulls.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The Poor
A day doesn't go by without one hearing about the moral obligation of the wealthy to address the growing income gap and polarization of American Society. There's no doubt some truth to it - american greed has become legend.
However, why is there never any significant criticism of the lower classes and their breeding habits. The 'poor' are reproducing themselves 4 to 5 times over. Is there any kind of job growth that will accommodate such numbers? And just how qualified will these coming generations of the 'under-privledged be? What percent will be employable for anything more complicated than janitors and truck drivers?
The middle and upper classes limit the number of their offspring to that which they can afford to raise. Yet they're expected to pay increasing shares of their income to provide financial support and services for the swelling, bovine spawn of the 'underprivileged'.
However, these 'underprivileged' apparently have no moral responsibly for self-restraint or denial as they insist on such luxuries as smart phones, big screen TVs, Laptops, Luxury cars, and 250 dollar track shoes.
America has been able to afford a great number of preposterous delusions since it came out on the top of the world in the 1950's. It's been a nice run, but the show is over.
New Maxim
Those that can - do
Those that can't - teach
Those that can't teach - are career counselors.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
One of the most preposterous and pathetic sentiments expressed by americans is the notion that taking any action whatsoever against an enemy might; ' just make him mad.' (That's like some guy trying to set your house on fire and you won't hose it out cause he might get wet.)
So recently, as some hearings where held to explore the process of radicalization of muslims, there was the breathless notion that such would antagonize the muslim 'community' and serve as recruitment propaganda for the jihadists.
First of all, if you've reached the point were you fear angering your enemies - in this case mortal enemies - you've lost. You may win as many battles as you like, but the war is over.
Second, there's is nothing whatsoever that cannot be used as recruitment propaganda for such as the muslim jihad bunch.
Friday, February 25, 2011
I pour a generous portion of vodka (Mon Polova) into a stainless steel shaker over several ice cubes, shake it vigorously and pour it into a chilled martini glass over two Kalamata olives and a bit of brine. I call it a "dirty Greek" Here's to democracy!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I've a simple suggestion to all those 'citizens' of america who insist on labeling themselves with a hyphen; i.e Chinese-American, Italian-American, African-American, and so on.
If you must identify yourself with an ethnic group or nationality then place such labels --- AFTER THE HYPHEN.
So if you think you're mexican heritage is important, then refer to yourself a American-mexican, or American-irish, or American-jew, or American-negro, get the idea? Instead of separating yourself from other americans, join them, and let them know that your old world connections are secondary to your American Identity. This I do believe will make for a more perfect Union.
If you must identify yourself with an ethnic group or nationality then place such labels --- AFTER THE HYPHEN.
So if you think you're mexican heritage is important, then refer to yourself a American-mexican, or American-irish, or American-jew, or American-negro, get the idea? Instead of separating yourself from other americans, join them, and let them know that your old world connections are secondary to your American Identity. This I do believe will make for a more perfect Union.
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