Monday, April 21, 2003

Easter Sunday. I'm dining alone at a nice restaurant. I'm having a steak and a glass of Cabernet. Here's to resurrections, and the greatest Jew in showbiz there ever was or will be!

Driving over here I was listening to a discussion on the radio regarding the obvious fascination, and in many cases a desire bordering on addiction, of watching war coverage. In as much as there's always an armed conflict taking place somewhere on the planet, and the state of technology now facilitates "real-time" from the most remote locations, how soon can we expect "The WAR Channel"?

Here's reality TV at its very best: unscripted and absolutely live ... and dead!

Of course, after a few seasons there will doubtless arise charges of staging or even fomenting conflicts for the sake of ratings, but until the venture is sullied by such scandal, we'll be amazed and ennobled by experiencing our humanity at it's very best and worst.

"Embedded" journalists will get us up close and personal with the combatants, while overhead, unmanned drones displaying Network logos will give us pinpoint locations of every breaking scene. Combine this with state of the art 3D mapping and graphics and we're talking about a global audience 24/7!

The advertising potential is nothing less than awesome! Orwell would be impressed (sort of) and in the minds of the more astute is the potential for investments. Just how does a savvy investor reposition his portfolio in light of the emerging world of entertainment? Of course the defense industry is a no-brainer, but what of the ancillary sectors such as casket manufactures, graveyards and body bags, electronics giants like Sony and Phillips, and then of course there's the pharmaceutical companies - who will be the first to patent the perfect battlefield speed? Of course that brings to mind the very lucrative nutritional supplements industry. After all, professional warriors of the future will always be seeking that important edge on their opponents.

Consider also the agency and management opportunities created by the inevitable rise of combat "Stars"; endorsements, testimonials, brand recognition, T-shirts!

Good gosh, the mind reels from the implications that flow like a river full of spawning salmon!

Is the future exciting or what!

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