Tuesday, February 11, 2014

LAUGHTER: The ultimate personality test

The quality of one's laughter I believe is a very accurate means of assessing their fundamental nature.  
If the sound of one's laughter is joyous and pleasant to the ear, it's likely the person laughing is a good sort.  On the other hand, there are those whose laughter has an edge to it, a strain of cruelty or meanness that belie an impoverished psyche.  

Along with this is also what it is that makes an individual laugh.  Some delight in the humiliation of others.  Some breakup at physical comedy.  Still other's are greatly amused by what's known as toilet humor.  

Indeed, If I where in need of making assessments of people, I'd show them a variety of humorous stimuli and make recordings of each individual laugh's quality and intensity.

I suspect my screening system would be the most accurate over all of any out there at present.

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