Saturday, December 21, 2013

Queer facism

The problem I have with the GLAAD folks and their ilk, is that they no longer just want acceptance, they want status.  

It’s not enough to have 'gay concerns’ catered to in every last corner of the culture, but the insistence on pushing it there.  Why does a baker have to make a wedding cake for a ceremony that he views as an abomination?  Where’s the constitution stand on that?  What’s become of his religious freedom and his first amendment freedom of thought and speech.  

Do you really want to live in a culture where only one group is afforded the right to ‘outrageous’?   

I don’t have much respect for fundamentalist religious opinions, however, I do greatly value the freedom of speech/opinion that’s been a birthright of all US citizens.  

This activist group wants to suppress speech by causing financial ruin to anyone it finds offensive.  It’s disguising and it’s un-american.  It’s Fascism.  

Consider it:  Fascism is always the best packaged/visually/emotionally appealing political force.  Look at the Catholic Church, Mussolini’s black shirts, The NAZi party.

Hitler was a fantastic art director! 

In the US, fascism is marching in under the fucking rainbow.   All the best show-biz talent has been co-opted into this oppressive movement.  The visuals are moving and the slogans are grand!  

“Yes we can!”  "The politics of hope.”  

The liberal was justifiably appalled when Bush jr. stated to the world, “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.”   The left was screaming fascism every day of the Bush presidency.

So were’s the outrage now with “you can keep your doctor”, “you’ll pay less for health care”, “we are bending the cost curve down.” “We will create (x)million new jobs.”   

Or some other whoppers like “It was a video that caused the Bengazi massacre.” , “I never drew a red line”. , "I didn’t know anything about the Fast and Furious operation.” 

Recently the white house has made a deal with Iran that’s arguably every bit as craven as that made with Nazi Germany in Munich, yet there’s nothing much coming out of the politically astute left.

It's because principle is secondary to politics in the states.  Goddamn the the US political system and the evil swine that control it.

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