Saturday, March 29, 2003

Drinking hot sake and ingesting sedatives. I'm neglecting my chores, the cat needs some more dry food. Don't care. Don't care.

I'm the luckiest man on the planet and I can't even bring myself to open a window.

Filled out some forms on eHarmony, posted a picture. Anything's possible right? But I'm being matched up with women my age! I'm trying to change my birthday in the "about me" section but that doesn't seem to be an option., shit.

The last thing I need is some older broad with three kids and SUV full of emotional baggage. I'm not interested in making up for some other asshole's mistakes. I want to produce a few of my own.

Of course it's an issue right now about the cost of cat food, but I'm on the miner's quest. Long lonely years of digging and privation until at last I hit the motherload and purchase paradise with cash.

Meanwhile it's prozac and booze and organic supplements. And the "hope" (delusion) that makes it possible to rise out of bed. ( in lieu of a full bladder.)

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