Friday, December 18, 2015

Grizzly liberals

The essential story of grizzly man is that he considered himself a special friend to the largest species of land-based carnivore on the planet.  For a time he make nice with a number of bears and eventually felt he was somehow an honor member of the tribe - recognized for his enlighten attitude  - in short - he was cool with the Guzzles.   Then one surprising day, a grizzly tore him apart.

The same idiotic conceit is found in the modern liberal - those with a income that insulates them from the more fundamental struggles of survival and have arrogated a 'worldly attitude' towards existential threats like islamism, the cost of food and fuel, the burden of taxation, the rent ....

They've really no idea of how fragile their elevated existence is.  They've no idea or real concern of the number of people that must struggle just to serve them a cup of coffee.  They donate some money to green causes, take the write-off and consider themselves among the best and brightest.

Alas, the jihadist will chop off their heads just as quickly as any other infidel.

WE the people no longer have representative government.  We are ruled by a financial elite that are quite willing to bring in whatever amount of peasants it takes to maintain their position and lifestyle  The political parties are a sham, as is the congress and senate.   Even the will of the majority is quickly undermined by an unelected bureaucracy or overused by a faithless court.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


From a March 28, 1786, letter written by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who were American diplomats at the time, to U.S. Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay reporting on their conversation in London with the ambassador from Tripoli regarding piracy by the Barbary States:
We took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.
The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet; that it was written in their Koran; that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners; that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Mussulman [Muslim] who was slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

American Islam - only 20% back violent jihad

"American Muslims are even more likely than Muslims in other countries to firmly reject violence in the name of Islam. In the U.S., about eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) say that suicide bombing and similar acts targeting civilians are never justified. Across the globe, a median of roughly seven-in-ten Muslims (72%) agrees."

Pew reasearch
april 2013

Is that comforting?   

Friday, September 18, 2015

Mr. Koskinen

I try to avoid criticism about individuals physical aspects as I think it's rather mean-spirited and childish.  However in the case of this IRS swine, I can't help but notice just how revulsive his face and manner are.  This man in the essence of the worm.  The wide bloodshot eyes, pallid complexion and the permanent smirk would tempt a saint to bash him in the face.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Political Plantation

The American Negro has been a subject of the democrat party since brought here from Africa.  It's incredible that after slavery, post civil war Jim Crow laws, regular and frequent lynchings, and the trauma of the civil rights movement, the overwhelming majority of blacks still vote for the party of their previous owners.

It's embarrassing.  

How difficult it must be for a thoughtful black man to entertain the idiotic conceits of the majority of his race.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015


Why do black folks keep allowing themselves to be associated with the 'nigger' ?

Chris Rock stated it succinctly - "There's black folks and there's 'niggas', and the 'niggas' has got to go!"

Out here on the west coast in California, I've an endless supply of liberal invertebrates that think they know all about the situation in Ferguson.  They think black folks are all the same.  They fancy themselves an enlightened bunch, intelligent and not subject to prejudice all the while condemning all the white folks in the south and midwest as inbred racists morons.

It's beyond parity.  It's disgusting.

Every other minority or racial group has made a distinction between it's swinish members and it's decent class.  For instance, the well-known distintion called "White Trash".   Among the Irish, according to my mother's mother, there was the Irish, and the "Pig shit Irish".

None of these other minorities ever made any bones about the distinctions.  Yet, in the American Political circus, the black race is a monolithic bunch with on meaningful distinction between the accomplished and the pathological.  It's as if the likes of Duke Ellington are no different than those of Snoop Dog et. al.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cunts in combat

The female combat soldier is a perfect example of the depravity of Western Civilization.   For the sake of social and political sensibilities of an effete ruling class, nations are obligated to make combat compatible with soldiers that are physically inferior, sexually disruptive, and subject to menstrual cycles, seduction and pregnancy.  

Is there any better way to destroy the unity of a combat unit than to introduce a sexual relationship between two of the group, while all the rest are expected to cope with sexual/romantic deprivation for the length of the deployment?

Is it not idiotic to expect young males trained in the aggressive arts to refrain from any unwanted sexual expression or desire for the duration of any mission.  

Every commander must at times assign his underlings to tasks that may prove fatal.  How much more difficult and perceptually unfair can this task be when the issue of female vulnerability is introduced?

The proponents expect will the male or female officer to dispense with any such cultural concerns, but the same will be derided and even demoted for failing to exhibit the proper deference to the female in every other situation.