Thursday, April 28, 2011

SUPERMAN - world citizen

Rumor is, superman will be resigning his U.S. citizenship in order to take on more global crime-fighting concerns.

So - a fictional character with fictional citizenship is going to pursue fictional global missions for the world's sake.

Nonsense: the chief concern of this 'hero' is marketability. Why limit Superman's appeal with a made in USA stamp on him? There's a third-world out there with plenty of money to spend on fantasy. Why be financially hindered by anything so prosaic as cultural pride. Still, citizen or not, "Superman" is behaving just like an all-american business man and expanding his market.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lawrence O'Donell

I'd never heard of this guy until today, when I watched his breathless editorial about a 2nd rate cartoon. This guy is hysterical and pathetic. He'd be better off as a tent revival preacher. But then I guess he is in his way, speaking with his urgent sanctimony to the his particular brand of believers.