Thursday, May 13, 2010


WTF? The last two online purchases have included a tax on the shipping. In California, there was never a tax on services, only products. Since when and what slimy authority has now okayed this?

California is out of control. These greedy government parasites are slowly killing the host - you know private citizens that actually produce things.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

It's a much bigger celebration in the USA than in Mexico, due I'm told to the marketing of beer. So all these ignoramus protesters have capitalism to thank for the celebration in the first place.

In any case, I've always wondered what Mexicans have to be so proud of anyway? The overwhelming majority of those in the USA legally or otherwise are here because their native country is so awful to live in.

It's the same with central and south America. So what's with the open hostility to the country you're in and the waving of a flag that represents what you've longed to escaped?